Jingxian Wang

I'm a NUS Presidential Young Professor in the CS Department at the National University of Singapore and lead the AIoT Group. Before joining NUS, I was a research scientist at Microsoft Research in Redmond. There, I led the ambitious Smart Surface for 6G and Space initiative. I received my Ph.D. and M.S. from Carnegie Mellon University.

Hiring: We are seeking highly motivated PhD students interested in Wireless Systems and/or Artificial Intelligence.

  • System
  • In-Space
  • Multimodal AI

Our work has received research highlights three times in ACM SIGMOBILE and Communications of ACM, the best paper and demo at UbiComp, and the best paper at IPSN, and has been selected for the Microsoft's Accelerating Foundation Models program. I am a recipient of the acm sigmobile doctoral dissertation award, the microsoft research fellowship in North America, and the inaugural Emerging Rockstar in IEEE Pervasive Computing.

Selected Publications
